Medical Marijuana Card For Veterans In New York
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Over the years, studies have been conducted to carefully analyze the impact of Medical Marijuana on certain disorders and conditions. Veterans, in particular, belong to the group most affected by mental and physical disorders as a result of their services to the nation. Heres a detailed overview of the topic of Medical Marijuana for veterans, in New York particularly.

The New York Medical Marijuana Card

The state of New York is a pioneer in legalizing Medical Marijuana for individuals who qualify for a Medical Marijuana Card. This allowed the state to have a versatile and in-depth set of legalization covering the whole Medical Marijuana Program in New York.

A Step-by-Step Guide To Obtain Your NY MMJ Card

1. Get a prescription

The first step to getting a Medical Marijuana Card from New York is to get a certified Medical Marijuana prescription. You just cant get a prescription from any medical practitioner. The doctor must be certified by the state to prescribe Medical Marijuana for your particular case. Also, you need to fall under one of the qualifying conditions mentioned by the state to get an MMJ card.

2. Fill out the application

Once you get the medical prescription, the next step is to fill out an application so you can get into the process of obtaining a Medical Marijuana Card from New York state. Remember, you need to fill out the application by providing the correct information and mentioning any sort of past felony/drug abuse. The state conducts a thorough background check and finding anything out of the ordinary can lead to having a negative impact on your application.

The good news is that there is no application fee charged by the state of New York and the only cost will be the medical prescription/appointment fee. Sign-up with The Kif and get massive cost cuts on appointment fees today!

3. Receive your card

Once a decision has been made on your application, you will be informed regarding the decision and the new steps you have to take in order to obtain your Medical Marijuana Card.

Are Veterans Allowed To Take Medical Marijuana?

Yes, veterans are allowed to take Medical Marijuana as per state law. On the federal level, consuming Marijuana products of any scale or type is illegal and punishable by law. But in the case of consuming Medical Marijuana products, being a veteran may have additional consequences for your health.

According to the DVA, 65% of veterans suffer from chronic pain and are twice as likely to die from an accidental opioid prescription overdose than non-veterans. This lead the DVA to conduct thorough research so a decision can be made regarding the possible proven benefits of Medical Marijuana for veterans.

Possible Benefits Of Medical Marijuana For Veterans

According to researchers, the most prominent benefit of prescription-based medical Marijuana is the decrease in the rate of opioid addiction among veterans. With an overall decline of 41% in opioid prescriptions, the DVA is focusing on developing prescription-based controlled therapies for veterans in order to cope with issues like chronic pain and disturbed sleep cycles.

Veteran Affairs and Efforts To Legalize Medical Marijuana

The VA Medical Cannabis Research Act of 2018, the Veterans Medical Marijuana Safe Harbor Act, and the Veterans Equal Access Act have made their way to the 116th Congress focusing on bringing new legislation regarding the legalization of Medical Marijuana for veterans.

Also Read: Cheapest Ways To Get A Medical Marijuana Card In New York


Can I Legally Grow My Own Medical Cannabis at Home?

Yes, as per the New York state law, patients over the age limit of 21 and designated caregivers are eligible to gro their one Medical Cannabis at home.

What Conditions Qualify For a Medical Marijuana Card In New York?

Chronic Pain, Cancer, Neuropathy, PTSD, IBD, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.

Do you need a Medical Marijuana Card For Marijuana in NYC?

Yes, in order to legally consume and possess Medical Marijuana products in New York, you need a valid New York state-issued Medical Marijuana Card.

Get Your Medical Card

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By Kif Team

The Kif Team has expert team of writers with a profound understanding of holistic medicine. We specialize in assisting individuals in obtaining their medical marijuana cards. We firmly believe in the therapeutic benefits of medical cannabis for various health conditions. Our mission is to educate and enlighten as many people as possible about its potential advantages.

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