Since 2021, Kif offers a streamlined platform to get a medical marijuana card online. We have served more than 45K patients across the United States. Sign Up Now to get the right to use medical cannabis for your health condition without any delay.
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Reading Time: 2 minutesThe city of Chicago, a place full of skyscrapers, now has an active cannabis policy, allowing residents of this city to enjoy their favorite cannabis products. For the time being, you must be 21 or older to legally consume recreational cannabis. Medical cannabis users can register themselves with the state of Illinois’ medical marijuana program, […]
Reading Time: 2 minutesCorría el año 2010 cuando el gobernador John S. Corzine legalizó el cannabis medicinal en el estado de Nueva Jersey, lo que contribuyó al verdor del estado jardín. Desde ese año, el estado ha actualizado sus leyes para favorecer de la mejor manera posible a los pacientes que cumplen los requisitos. Sin embargo, ¿puede un […]
Reading Time: 2 minutesIt was the year 2010 when Governor John S Corzine legalized medical cannabis within the state of New Jersey adding to the greenery of the garden state. Since that year, the state has upgraded its laws in order to favor qualifying patients in the best possible way. However, can a minor get a medical marijuana […]
Reading Time: 3 minutesUna catarata es una región densa y gruesa que se desarrolla en el cristalino del ojo. Como consecuencia de las cataratas, la visión se vuelve borrosa, lo que dificulta el paso de la luz a través del cristalino. Cuando las proteínas del ojo se aglutinan e impiden que el cristalino transmita imágenes nítidas a la […]
Reading Time: 3 minutesA cataract is a dense, thick region that develops in the eye’s lens. As a result of cataracts, vision becomes hazy , which makes it difficult for light to pass through the eye’s lens. When proteins in the eye clump together and block the lens from transferring clear images to the retina, a cataract starts […]
Reading Time: 3 minutesIf we take a look at the current market statistics, one thing is quite certain. The US cannabis industry is growing at an exponential rate. Each year, more and more states are becoming a part of the cannabis legalization drive, opening countless new job opportunities to individuals who are eager to become a part of […]
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program (MCPP) became functional in 2019, allowing qualifying patients to apply for a medical marijuana program in Illinois. Apart from being a state that has legalized medical marijuana, recreational marijuana is also legal in Illinois now. The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is responsible for managing all medical […]
Reading Time: 3 minutesIt is quite a surprising fact that medical marijuana has been legalized in Louisiana since 1978 in some capacity. In all these years, the state has expanded the list of qualifying medical conditions as well as developed new laws regarding marijuana possession and cultivation for registered medical marijuana users. But when it comes to the […]
Reading Time: 2 minutesWith the Maine Medical Marijuana Act getting approved in 2009, Maine became the fifth US state where medical marijuana stores were opened to facilitate registered medical marijuana patients within the state. Already being a state where medical marijuana was legal, the state decriminalized possession of up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis for its adult residents. […]
Reading Time: 2 minutesIn 2014, the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission (MMCC) was created legalizing medical marijuana within the state and regulating marijuana handling, possession, sale, and usage. Since then, the state introduced a number of new laws expanding the operational circle of the commission and addressing any legal issue that a registered medical marijuana patient may face. The […]
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