How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card In North Carolina?
Reading Time: 6 minutes

The state of North Carolina doesnt have the more conventional medical marijuana as other US states. The states marijuana program is specifically focused on low-THC and high-CBD marijuana products that are available only in the form of oils. The program was specifically developed for patients suffering from intractable epilepsy diagnosed by a certified neurologist. The cannabis extract must be in oil form and have less than 0.9% THC and at least 5% CBD content.

But there is some hope regarding the expansion of the North Carolina medical marijuana program as the North Carolina Compassionate Care Act (SB 711) is passed from the Senate and is all set to be forwarded to the House of Representatives any time in 2023 to get approval.

Possible Benefits Of Having A Medical Marijuana Card In North Carolina (200)

The major benefit of having medical marijuana in North Carolina is the fact that patients can now access low-THC cannabis oil-based products for a valid qualifying medical condition within the state. If you dont have a medical marijuana card, youre not allowed to do this legally for either recreational or medical usage of marijuana.

Also, individuals who have a valid medical marijuana card along with a doctors recommendation are allowed to purchase a 30-day supply of required marijuana products. This provides added benefit to medical marijuana users within the state as North Carolina doesnt have state-operated dispensaries yet and individuals having a valid MMJ card are required to neighboring states to legally purchase marijuana products.

Eligibility Requirements

The eligibility requirements set by the state of North Carolina are quite straightforward and similar to what most of the other medical marijuana states have set in place. Heres a brief overview,

  • Must be 18 years or older.
  • A permanent resident of the state of North Carolina.
  • Have a current and valid diagnosis of a qualifying medical condition eligible for medical marijuana-based treatment.
  • Patients younger than 18 are required to submit a written official certification from their doctor as well as must appoint someone as their caregiver to deal with all legal matters in their stead. The caregiver must be either the patients legal guardian or one of the parents.

Qualifying Medical Conditions

At the moment, the only medical qualifying condition that can get you a medical marijuana prescription in North Carolina is epilepsy, diagnosed by a neurosurgeon. However, there are very prominent chances for the North Carolina Compassionate Act to be passed this year which can expand the circle of qualifying medical conditions including the following medical conditions as well,

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrigs disease)
  • Sickle cell anemia or other sickle cell diseases
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Cancer
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Cachexia or wasting syndrome
  • Parkinsons disease
  • Severe or persistent nausea
  • Crohns disease
  • Any other serious medical condition added by the Medical Cannabis Advisory Board

How To Apply? A Step-By-Step Guide

Before getting all eager to start your North Carolina medical marijuana card application, you need to understand the whole process and what to expect.

The state doesnt have a specific authority or a specific application process that allows someone to apply for an MMJ card. Instead, the recommendation youll be getting from a certified medical practitioner will be considered your legal license to purchase and consume medical marijuana products. This means you dont need to gather any additional application documents as theres nowhere in the whole process where youll require them.

However, you still need a recommendation from a certified medical practitioner and that is something that isnt as easy as it sounds. Heres a complete step-by-step breakdown of the whole process for you,

The first step is to find a certified medical practitioner within the state of North Carolina who has the authority to prescribe medical marijuana base treatment for your particular case. This search can be quite tiring and extensive to find the right doctor whose appointment schedule matches your everyday life.

Once you find the right doctor, the next step is to be there on time for your medical evaluation. You need to provide all the necessary details requested by the doctor so he/she can better understand the possible beneficial impact of medical marijuana on your health.

In the end, you have to wait for the doctor to make a final prescription. If you get the medical marijuana prescription, you can now possess and consume medical marijuana within the state of North Carolina legally.

What To Expect During Your Kif Appointment?

Now, think about this for a while. You are looking for a certified doctor in North Carolina who can prescribe medical marijuana after evaluating you thoroughly. But in no way you can find a doctor who can fit an appointment within your busy work schedule or charge an appointment fee that fits right into your budget. This is where the Kif comes to your rescue.

With our telemedicine-based appointment booking approach, you can be sitting in your one-on-one personalized medical appointment with a North Carolina-certified medical doctor in a matter of a few minutes. The rest of the appointment will be similar to what youre traditionally accustomed to with the only difference being that both you and the doctor will be attending the appointment through a virtual face-to-face channel.

Potential Cost

As mentioned earlier, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) doesnt yet offer printed medical marijuana cards to eligible patients. This means that there isnt yet an application or card fee charged by the department.

But this doesnt mean that getting a medical marijuana license in North Carolina wont cost you anything as youll still need to pay the consultation and appointment fee for a prescription or any other e-services you have acquired in the process.

Medical Marijuana Reciprocity

As of the year 2023, the state of North Carolina hasnt yet signed a medical marijuana reciprocity agreement with any other US state. This means that out-of-state medical marijuana cards arent valid within North Carolina.

However, the North Carolina medical marijuana card is valid in several states including,

  • Arizona
  • Arkansas *
  • California ^
  • Colorado ^
  • Maryland ^ (as of July 2023)
  • New Hampshire
  • Massachusetts
  • Hawaii *
  • Illinois ^
  • Maine
  • Missouri ^
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey *
  • U.S. Virgin Islands *
  • Connecticut ^
  • New Mexico * (recreational cannabis is legal)
  • New York ^
  • Oklahoma *
  • Washington ^
  • Oregon ^
  • Pennsylvania (minors only)
  • Rhode Island
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Utah (maximum 45 days, after which the patient must apply for a Utah MMJ card)
  • Vermont ^
  • Virginia ^
  • Puerto Rico

States marked with * require visitors to complete a visiting patient application for their stay.

States marked with ^ have adult use programs but do not accept out-of-state cards.

Applying As A Caregiver

As per the states medical marijuana regulations, a caregiver can aid with the administration of medical cannabis for a patient who qualifies for medical marijuana usage. The Epilepsy Alternative Treatment Act mentions that the caregiver must be older than 18 and be the patients legal guardian, one of the parents, or legal custodian.

How & Where To Buy Medical Marijuana In North Carolina?

The state of North Carolina doesnt yet have state-authorized/supervised dispensaries for qualifying medical marijuana consumers to purchase marijuana goods. At no level the state allows a person to buy marijuana products within the state even if they are low in THC and high in CBD content. So, what do qualifying medical marijuana patients do?

Well, the best option that such patients have is to visit a nearby state that allows them to purchase medical marijuana products with their North Carolina MMJ card. The state of North Carolina however does allow medical marijuana card holders to purchase up to 30 days of supply of the required marijuana product.

Is Cultivation a better option?

No, not in the state of North Carolina as cultivating medical marijuana at any level within the state is illegal and the state can take legal actions including pressing charges against someone cultivating marijuana.

North Carolina Medical Marijuana Laws That You Should Be Aware Of!

Cannabis Legal Status in North Carolina

  • Cannabis is illegal in North Carolina for all purposes, whether medical or recreational.
  • Possession of 0.5 ounces or less has been decriminalized, resulting in reduced penalties compared to larger amounts.

Failed Attempt at Medical Marijuana Legalization

  • In 2014, there was an unsuccessful effort to legalize medical marijuana in North Carolina, which did not come to fruition.

Epilepsy Alternative Treatment Act (HB 766)

  • In 2015, Governor Pat McCrory signed the Epilepsy Alternative Treatment Act, permitting individuals with intractable epilepsy to utilize CBD oil for treatment.


How long does it take to get a Medical Marijuana Card in North Carolina?

  • Depends on how fast you get a valid prescription for medical marijuana. If you decide to go with telemedicine services offered by the likes of the Kif, you can get a valid medical marijuana license in North Carolina on the same day!

How often do I need to renew my Medical Marijuana Card in North Carolina?

  • Again, this depends upon how the prescription is valid in your particular case. Usually, the prescription can last up to 30 or 60 days.

Are there any age restrictions to get a Medical Marijuana Card in North Carolina?

  • No, the state of North Carolina hasnt imposed any age restriction to qualify for a medical marijuana card. Patients younger than 18 require a legal caregiver to accompany them.

How much does it cost to get a Medical Marijuana Card in North Carolina?

  • There is no application/card fee charged by the state yet. The only cost is the appointment/prescription fee.

Can you buy marijuana in North Carolina without a Medical Card?

  • No, you cant buy marijuana in North Carolina without a medical card.

Can I use my Medical Marijuana Card in North Carolina at dispensaries in other states?

Yes you can, several states accept North Carolina medical marijuana recommendations allowing patients to purchase marijuana-based goods.

Get Your Medical Card

Connect with a licensed physician online in minutes.

By Kif Team

The Kif Team has expert team of writers with a profound understanding of holistic medicine. We specialize in assisting individuals in obtaining their medical marijuana cards. We firmly believe in the therapeutic benefits of medical cannabis for various health conditions. Our mission is to educate and enlighten as many people as possible about its potential advantages.

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