Table of contents
What are the Symptoms, Signs, and Forms of Hypertension?
Essential hypertension
Secondary hypertension
Isolated Systolic Hypertension
Malignant hypertension
Resistant Hypertension
What Are the Roots and Consequences of High Blood Pressure?
Is Cannabis an Effective Hypertension Treatment?
The Endocannabinoid System and Hypertension
Summing It Up
What are the cardiovascular benefits of cannabis?
Does cannabis oil decrease blood pressure?
What are the risks of consuming medical cannabis oil?
What are the additional advantages of utilizing CBD?

If you are suffering from high blood pressure, it can lead to stroke, coronary artery disease, and several other complications. Fortunately, evidence suggests that marijuana may aid in treating hypertension.
Recent research suggests that cannabis may help reduce blood pressure, particularly in people with high-normal or prehypertension, and thatâs mainly because of THC and CBD.
These chemicals are believed to boost the generation of nitric oxide, a neurotransmitter that causes the vessels to relax. If you have a KIF medical marijuana certificate, it is easier to opt for legal cannabis to relieve hypertension by cannabis medicine.
What are the Symptoms, Signs, and Forms of Hypertension?
Most young and old persons with high blood pressure levels have no symptoms. Many hypertension sufferers are unaware they require an annual blood pressure check since they feel completely normal.
BP check consists of two numerals, one on top of the other, and is perpetually measured in millimeters of mercury or mm Hg. The check is based on the force with which your heart pumps blood and the constriction to blood flow in your arteries.
The number on top represents the systolic pressure, for measuring arterial pressure, and it is when the heart is pounding. The bottom number, on the other hand, represents the diagnostic pressure. This measurement takes the blood pressure inside the arteries between heartbeats.
The following are indications that you should see a doctor or go to the emergency room:
- Vision blurring or disruptions
- Confusion
- Chest ache
- Breathing difficulty
- Extensive headache
- Numbness in the legs and arms
Let’s take a quick look at the many types of hypertension:
Essential hypertension
The underlying cause of high blood pressure is unknown in 95% of patients. This has been referred to as essential hypertension or primary hypertension.
Secondary hypertension
Secondary hypertension occurs when another ailment or disease creates high blood pressure.
Isolated Systolic Hypertension
It occurs when the systolic pressure reaches 140 while the diastolic pressure remains within the usual range, generally less than 90. Elasticity loss in arterial walls is the primary root of this sort of hypertension, which is more common in those over 65.
Malignant hypertension
Malignant hypertension affects just 1% of people with high blood pressure, and it is more likely among those who already have high blood pressure, skipped prescriptions, pregnant women, young people, and African-American men.
A doctor can identify you with malignant hypertension if the diastolic pressure rapidly exceeds 130, which can manifest as the symptoms indicated above and can cause damage to organs. If you have persistent symptoms or other indications that indicate you may be suffering from this particular kind of hypertension, go to the hospital immediately since it is a medical emergency.
Resistant Hypertension
If your blood pressure remains too high after the prescribed dose of three antihypertensive drugs, including one diuretic, you most likely have hypertension resistant to treatment. Resistant hypertension affects approximately a majority of patients with high blood pressure.
What Are the Roots and Consequences of High Blood Pressure?
Hypertension was a major or leading cause of nearly 670,000 deaths in the US in 2020. The good thing is that healthcare professionals, nurses, and even at-home kits or in-the-store tests may quickly detect high blood pressure; once identified, you can learn how to control it. A basic hypertension diagnosis involves two weeks of higher resting blood pressure measurements.
Hormonal imbalances, high-salt dietary habits, excessive alcohol intake, thyroid disorders, adrenal gland tumors, and sleep airway obstructions are the most prevalent causes of hypertension, apart from essential hypertension. A medical professional or healthcare expert should always investigate the core reasons for high blood pressure.
Risk factors for hypertension include:
- Obesity or being overweight
- Consuming insufficient fruits and vegetables
- A high-salt diet with preserved or canned meals
- insufficient physical activity
- Sleep apnea or a disrupted sleep cycle
- Caffeine use is excessive.
Is Cannabis an Effective Hypertension Treatment?
Hypertension treatment lowers the BP while protecting the body’s important organs, such as the kidneys, heart, and brain, from any sort of injury.
Hypertension can be treated using specially tailored medicines. To begin, doctors typically advise taking just a dose of antihypertensive medicine, occasionally more than one.
Among the most regularly prescribed hypertension drugs are:
- Beta-blockers and alpha-blockers
- Diuretics, including chlorthalidone, thiazides, and indapamide
- Calcium channel inhibitors’central agonists
- Vasodilators
- peripheral adrenergic inhibitor
- ACE inhibitors
- angiotensin receptor blockers
Preclinical research indicates that CBD, like other cannabinoids, has numerous cardiovascular advantages, including lowering mice’s blood pressure levels when exposed to stress.
In humans, this randomized, placebo-controlled, double-masked crossover trial found that 600 mg of CBD decreased blood pressure measurements in healthy male volunteers.
In this tiny investigation of nine healthy persons, 600mg of CBD was related to a decrease in resting hypertension and a rise in blood pressure in reaction to stress, at least for a short period. More extensive and prolonged studies with controls and blinds are required to demonstrate long-term or general health benefits in persons with high blood pressure.
The Endocannabinoid System and Hypertension
More data is emerging to support marijuana’s potential advantages in hypertension. Scientists are talking about ECS, as it controls and regulates a wide range of vital activities in the body. These activities include appetite, memory, emotions, learning, sleep, handling pain, managing temperature, and immune system activities.
Cannabinoids have the potential to be antihypertensive regulators. An investigational study with an experimental cannabinoid found that its impacts on the ECS could mitigate the impact of high blood pressure in hypertension patients by performing as prevention of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), the vital enzyme responsible for the breakdown of the endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA). FAAH inhibition is a well-known property of numerous cannabinoids, including CBG, CBD, and CBGA.
According to the CannaKeys 360 research database, the following cannabinoids have been studied for their ability to decrease blood pressure:
- Dronabinol: a synthetic form of THC)
- Anandamide and suppression of its degrading enzyme fatty acid amidohydrolase, FAAH
- Endocannabinoids and endocannabinoid-like substances
- N-arachidonoyl-dopamine
- The endocannabinoid analog oleamide
- virodhamine
- Cannabinoids synthesized
- O-1602
- JWH133, a powerful CB2 agonist)
According to the data, these cannabinoids reduced blood pressure under test settings. These studies, however, are small in number, largely preclinical, involve experimental cannabis compounds, and are all short-term.
Summing It Up
If you have hypertension, consult your doctor to see if marijuana benefits you. While there is certain evidence that marijuana can assist lower blood pressure, further research is required to fully understand the drug’s effects. However, obtaining medical marijuana is only possible if you have a medical marijuana card.
What are the cardiovascular benefits of cannabis?
- Medical professionals have discovered that cannabis’s soothing properties may decrease blood pressure and lessen the chances of hypertension-related heart disease. Similarly, cannabis contains heart-protective properties.
Does cannabis oil decrease blood pressure?
- Yes, numerous studies show CBD can help reduce blood pressure. One study, for example, discovered that ingesting CBD oil decreased patients’ resting systolic hypertension by 6 mmHg.
What are the risks of consuming medical cannabis oil?
- Fatigue and drowsiness, vertigo, vomiting and nausea, fever, dry mouth, reduced or raised appetite, and diarrhea are all documented side effects of medicinal cannabis usage in both CBD and THC.
What are the additional advantages of utilizing CBD?
- Proponents of CBD oil and other CBD products believe they can manage chronic pain, migraines, inflammation, depression, epilepsy, autoimmune illnesses, and anxiety.