Table of contents
Is Recreational Marijuana Legal in Maine?
Is Medical Marijuana Legal in Maine?
Penalties for Marijuana Possession
Is Weed Decriminalized in Maine?
Future of Cannabis Legalization in Maine
Maine Marijuana Laws In 2024
Can I Grow My Cannabis In Maine?
Is Smoking Marijuana Legal In Maine?
Can I Buy Marijuana Products Online?

If youâre a resident of Maine, youâre eligible to use both medical and recreational cannabis as per state law. But that doesnât mean that both recreational and medical marijuana consumers have the same possession liberties.
Is Recreational Marijuana Legal in Maine?
In 2016, the state of Maine finally legalized cannabis for adults after decriminalizing it in 1976. According to the new legislation, adults who are 21 or older can possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana. Adults are also a threat as the state allows the purchase and possession of cannabis paraphernalia such as bongs, pipes, etc.
Is Medical Marijuana Legal in Maine?
Yes, if youâre a qualifying medical patient diagnosed with one of the qualifying medical conditions, you can apply for a medical marijuana card in Maine. The card legally allows you to possess higher amounts of marijuana products along with several other added benefits.
Penalties for Marijuana Possession
- Adults older than 21 can legally possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana. Exceeding this set possession limit can result in incarceration or a fine.
- Sales of cannabis paraphernalia are punishable by 6 months in prison and up to a $ 1,000 fine.
- Cultivating more than 3 mature or 12 immature Cannabis plants is a crime punishable with criminal time and a fine depending upon the number of Cannabis plants involved.
Is Weed Decriminalized in Maine?
Yes, weed is decriminalized in Maine and no legal charges will be pressed against someone who is 21 or older and has up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana.
Future of Cannabis Legalization in Maine
When it comes to cannabis laws, the state of Maine is already considered quite liberal. But there is still one aspect that needs attention. The state is currently working to streamline the sales and distribution market for cannabis which will eventually allow online purchase of marijuana products within the state.
Maine Marijuana Laws In 2024
- Adults who are 21 or older can legally possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana and can cultivate up to 3 mature or 12 immature plants within their private residence.
- If a patient qualifies, he/she can apply for a Maine medical marijuana card.
- Online purchase of marijuana goods is not allowed in the state yet.
Can I Grow My Cannabis In Maine?
- Yes, adults who are 21 or older can cultivate up to 3 mature or 12 immature cannabis plants at a time.
Is Smoking Marijuana Legal In Maine?
- As per Maineâs state law, smoking weed or similar products in public is illegal.
Can I Buy Marijuana Products Online?
- No, the state of Maine has yet to make a distribution funnel to allow online sales of marijuana products.