The state of Minnesota is known for its task force responsible for medical cannabis research and how the state laws must be upgraded over the years. Historically, the state legalized the use of medical cannabis back in 2014. However, can a minor patient get a medical marijuana card in Minnesota? Yes, they can, but there are some additional eligibility requirements to keep in mind.
Eligibility requirements for a medical marijuana card in Minnesota
In order to be eligible for a Minnesota medical marijuana card, you must be a resident of Minnesota and have a valid medical marijuana recommendation from a licensed medical doctor. However, patients who are not yet 18 need to have a designated in order to apply for a Minnesota medical marijuana card.
Also, the caregiver must be 21 years of age or older. In order to apply for a Minnesota medical marijuana card, the doctor recommending medical marijuana must mention that the patient needs assistance from a designated caregiver. The patient can then include the clause of caregiver assistance in their application.
Qualifying medical conditions
As per the Michigan state law, a patient must be diagnosed with one of the following qualifying medical conditions in order to become eligible for a medical marijuana card,
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Cancer
- Chronic pain, muscle pain
- Autism/Asperger Syndrome
- Alzheimerâs disease
- Inflammatory Bowl Diseases (IBD)
- Crohnâs Disease
- Glaucoma
- Epilepsy
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Sickle Cell Diseases
- Tourette Syndrome
- Sleep Apnea
- Seizures and related disorders
- Palliative Care (admitted to a Hospice)
What exactly is a caregiver?
A caregiver is an individual who has the legal right to provide assistance to patients who are not yet 18 or canât consume/possess medical cannabis due to some disability. The state does allow caregivers to be 18 years of age. However, when the concentrated form of marijuana is involved, the caregiver must be 21 years of age or older. Minors also reserve the right to nominate one of their parents or legal guardians as their caregiver.
Medical Marijuana Laws for minors in Minnesota
The medical marijuana laws are similar for both qualifying adult and minor patients within the state. Some of the key points of these laws include,
- Both recreational and medical cannabis are now legal in the state of Minnesota.
- Driving under the influence of cannabis or consuming cannabis while driving is illegal.
- Medical marijuana patients enjoy the benefit of paying 0% in sales tax.
Final Note
The state of Minnesota has quite an extensive and future-oriented policy regarding the allocation of caregivers to minor patients as well as patients who have some disability. Other states definitely need to take some crucial notes from this policy.