Table of contents
1. Lower Costs
2. Higher Possession Limits, Purchase Limits, & Ability to Grow More Marijuana
3. Lower Age Restrictions
4. Access to Medical-Only Cannabis Dispensaries
5. Stronger Potency Than Recreational
6. Stronger Legal Protection
7. Traveling Out-of-State Is Easier
How Does a MMJ Card Work?
Will my medical marijuana card allow me to purchase recreational marijuana as well?
Can I travel with my medical marijuana card to other states?
Can my employer discriminate against me for having a medical marijuana card?
How long is a medical marijuana card valid?

Currently, 15 states have granted legal permission for the adult use of medical and recreational cannabis. When a state legalizes the recreational use of cannabis, individuals tend to forego obtaining their medical marijuana (MMJ) cards. However, those who choose not to acquire an MMJ card are overlooking numerous advantages, including reduced costs, the opportunity to purchase larger quantities, variations in age restrictions, and added legal safeguards. It is crucial to recognize that there are substantial disparities between medical and recreational marijuana. Continue reading to discover the seven benefits of possessing a medical card in a state where recreational cannabis is legalized.
1. Lower Costs
Having a medical marijuana card provides financial benefits throughout the year and offers lower prices compared to purchasing from recreational retail stores. As more states legalized marijuana for recreational use, the taxes imposed on the product significantly increased. If you frequently buy cannabis, not having a medical card will ultimately result in spending more money in the long term.
What are the differences in pricing between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana? Several states have either reduced or waived taxes on cannabis purchases made with a medical marijuana card. Recreational customers are subject to excise taxes ranging from 15% to 37%, depending on the state, whereas only standard taxes are applied to medical marijuana products. Obtaining a medical card can save you thousands of dollars throughout the year if you regularly buy medical cannabis products.
In Colorado, the sales tax on all retail marijuana and marijuana-infused products increased from 10% to 15% for recreational marijuana sales. In contrast, medical marijuana use in the same state was exempt from the 15% excise tax, resulting in lower prices and greater accessibility.
2. Higher Possession Limits, Purchase Limits, & Ability to Grow More Marijuana
There are stringent restrictions regarding the amount of cannabis that can be purchased by recreational customers, whereas individuals with medical marijuana cards have the ability to purchase larger quantities. In California, medical patients are permitted to purchase up to 8 ounces per day, whereas recreational users are limited to 1 ounce per day. Possessing a medical marijuana card allows individuals to obtain a greater amount of cannabis from the dispensary compared to those purchasing recreationally.
Medical cannabis card holders are subject to different limitations than recreational users when it comes to possession and home cultivation. The quantities allowed for possession and the number of plants that can be grown depend on the specific marijuana laws in each state. In the case of Nevada, recreational cannabis users can possess 1 ounce of cannabis, while medical cannabis users are allowed to possess 2.5 ounces.
Furthermore, in certain states, only medical patients are permitted to cultivate cannabis at home, while recreational cannabis users are prohibited from doing so. In Colorado, for example, recreational users can grow up to six plants, with only three allowed to reach maturity at any given time. On the other hand, medical growers have the option to request permission to cultivate more than six plants.
3. Lower Age Restrictions
The use of recreational cannabis is typically limited by most states to individuals who are 21 years old or above. Possessing and consuming cannabis is considered illegal for those below this age. Nevertheless, there are young patients who necessitate the use of medical marijuana to manage conditions such as epilepsy and cancer. Many medical cannabis programs permit patients who are 18 years old or younger, as long as they meet all the necessary criteria.
In certain cases, children under 18 can also obtain a medical marijuana card with the help of a caregiver. When considering cannabis as a medicinal substance, it is essential to ensure accessibility regardless of age.
4. Access to Medical-Only Cannabis Dispensaries
Having a medical marijuana card grants you the privilege of shopping at medical dispensaries. Even in states where recreational cannabis use is permitted, there are specialized medical dispensaries exclusively accessible to individuals holding a medical marijuana card. These dispensaries provide medical users with a wide range of products, strains, and expert guidance.
The availability of cannabis extracts is abundant, making it challenging to stay updated on their various types, uses, strengths, and advantages. This is why individuals with a medical marijuana card can also seek assistance from medical doctors and cannabis coaches who can advise them on the most suitable options for their specific conditions.
While recreational retail outlets may have knowledgeable staff called “bud-tenders” who can offer guidance, their training and expertise might not be sufficient to assist medical customers with inquiries about products for medical purposes, appropriate dosages, and utilizing marijuana for specific medical conditions. Therefore, even if your state permits recreational dispensaries, having access to medical dispensaries may be preferable due to these advantages.
5. Stronger Potency Than Recreational
Patients who use medicinal marijuana benefit from having access to cannabis that is more potent than marijuana that is offered for recreational use. While medicinal patients might need higher concentrations of THC or CBD to treat their symptoms, retail stores that sell cannabis for recreational use must abide by certain strength restrictions established by each state.
For instance, in California, the maximum THC content for edible cannabis products is 100mg, but the maximum THC content for lotions or tinctures is 1000mg. In contrast, medical marijuana shops are more liberated in this sense because they are permitted to sell lotions containing up to 2000mg of THC. In order to effectively treat their medical ailments with cannabis, certain medical marijuana patients need varied levels of potency, and recreational products might not always be able to satisfy those needs.
Even if recreational use of marijuana is legalized in your state, it is advisable to consider obtaining a medical card. Having a medical card grants you access to dispensaries and medicinal products with higher potencies of THC and CBD, which can be beneficial for individuals with qualifying conditions such as chronic pain or cancer.
6. Stronger Legal Protection
Specific laws are in place to protect those with medical cards in some states where medical marijuana is authorized. Patients and carers who possess or produce marijuana for medical purposes on a doctor’s recommendation are immune from criminal prosecution under California’s Proposition 215.
A medical card may be helpful to you in legal proceedings. A medical card gives you access to a qualified doctor who has recognised the therapeutic advantages of cannabis. You may find this endorsement useful in situations involving the possession, growing, and purchasing of cannabis. Given these benefits, you should think about requesting a medical marijuana card in your state.
Many people are concerned that possessing a medical card could result in losing their jobs. In general, you should talk to your doctor about this. Some states have passed legislation to safeguard marijuana users’ work rights. It is suggested to speak with a legal expert about such issues for added peace of mind.
7. Traveling Out-of-State Is Easier
If your home state has reciprocity agreements, you can use your out-of-state mmj card to possess and/or purchase medical cannabis in those states. This can be beneficial when traveling or seeking medical treatment in another state. However, it is important to research and ensure that the state you are visiting accepts out-of-state mmj cards. It is illegal to transport cannabis across state lines. The following states accept out-of-state mmj cards:
– Alaska
– Arizona (allows possession only)
– Arkansas (out-of-state patients may apply for a temporary in-state license)
– California
– Hawaii (out-of-state patients may apply for a temporary in-state license)
– Illinois
– Maine
– Maryland (visitors may register for an mmj card if they are visiting the state for medical treatment)
– Massachusetts
– Michigan
– Missouri (allows possession only)
– Nevada
– New Hampshire (allows possession only)
– Oklahoma (out-of-state patients may apply for a temporary in-state license)
– Oregon
– Rhode Island
– Washington
– Washington D.C.
How Does a MMJ Card Work?
Obtaining a medical marijuana card used to be a cumbersome process in the past, involving the need to obtain approval from a doctor and then navigating through various steps to gain secondary approval from a State medical agent, among other requirements.
However, with the advent of the internet, the process has become much more convenient. In states that allow telemedicine, individuals can now obtain their medical card from the comfort of their own homes, regardless of their location, with just a simple click of a button. Although some approval is still necessary, the overall process has become much easier.
Medical cards’ anonymity and whether insurance companies will be informed upon getting one are frequently questioned. Because they are based on the particular rules of each state, the answers to these questions might be complicated. It is advised to speak with a healthcare professional in your state if you have questions regarding these specific problems in order to get an accurate answer.
Also Read: Can I Use My Medical Marijuana Card In Another State?
Will my medical marijuana card allow me to purchase recreational marijuana as well?
A medical marijuana card does not give you the right to use or possess marijuana recreationally. You would need to abide by the rules and age requirements established by your state’s recreational marijuana legislation in order to acquire marijuana.
Can I travel with my medical marijuana card to other states?
Although not all states accept cards from other states, some have reciprocity agreements that allow persons with medical marijuana cards from those states to purchase and use cannabis there. To ensure compliance, you must completely understand the laws of the state you are visiting before you travel with your medical marijuana license.
Can my employer discriminate against me for having a medical marijuana card?
State laws and regulations regarding the use of medical marijuana at work vary. People who have medical marijuana cards are protected in a number of ways, and employers cannot treat them unfairly because they use marijuana for medical purposes. It’s a good idea to research the employment laws in your state and consult an attorney in order to understand more about your legal alternatives and any potential limitations.
How long is a medical marijuana card valid?
State laws determine this. Some jurisdictions only offer cards with a one-year expiration date, however other states could offer cards with a validity period of two years or longer. The majority of states demand periodic card renewal in order to keep a card in good standing; this necessitates reevaluation by a healthcare professional and submission of an updated application.
These advantages highlight the comprehensive and patient-centered healthcare practices as medical marijuana use becomes more widely accepted.